Express divorce

Andorra, immersed in a modernization process, has introduced new regulations that streamline the divorce process, popularly known as "express divorce". This evolution stands out for its efficient response to the demands of today's society.


With this new regulation, the divorce procedure is significantly simplified, reducing bureaucratic times and procedures. Andorran citizens can now opt for a faster and less complicated path when they decide to end their marriage.


This initiative responds to the need to facilitate legal processes related to divorce, embracing modernity and adapting to social changes. The regulations seek to ensure a friendlier and more effective procedure, minimizing the emotional and economic impact that may arise from this situation.


In short, express divorce in Andorra is a direct response to the demands of an evolving society, prioritizing speed and simplicity without compromising the integrity of the legal process. This measure represents a firm step towards a more agile legal system adapted to current times.

Isabel Badia Nicolas


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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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