We defend your rights with commitment and professionalism.

Loyalty, honesty and transparency

We go beyond mere compliance with a code of deontological conduct. We understand that the relationship with a client is based on these three values that should inform both the professional and personal life of our lawyers.

Talent, continuous effort and tenacity

These three values are always present in the defense of the interests of our clients.

Full lawyers, prestige and research

We believe that specialization is only the value of a well-rounded lawyer, that the lawyer should develop in all aspects of his professional life gaining prestige and reputation through client service and research.

Quality of service and process innovation

A team tailored to people and the use of state-of-the-art technological tools allow us to be efficient in terms of cost to the client and generate an office structure destined to last.

Relationship of trust

The firm's mission is to generate long-term relationships based on mutual trust with clients and the professional environment.


We seek maximum confidentiality, respect and efficiency in relations with our clients and interested parties in all areas of our business. We are demanding with the level of professional ethics that our activity requires.


We understand that the best course of action is to always foresee the consequences of any decision or act. We try to anticipate events and try to guide our services so that they respond not only to the current concerns and demands of our clients but also to their future needs.


The dedication and effort of our professionals is always maximum. It is one of our differentiating features to offer the best solution and the most appropriate response to each circumstance.

Contact us

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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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