Investments and business

The team of lawyers in the investment and business area are dedicated to advising clients in all aspects of business law, regardless of the type and form of their company (family business, multinational, etc.).


It covers all areas that refer to it: from the opening of the business, creation of a company or startup, foreign investment, hiring of personnel, protection of intellectual property, to how to apply current regulations on taxation, regulatory compliance on the prevention of money laundering and data protection.


They also advise and defend companies in their business relationships, both nationally and internationally, in e-commerce and credit claims. They also advise clients on banking law, a matter in which we have extensive experience.


They always offer the most appropriate solution to the needs of both the worker and the employer.

Investments and business
Commercial companies
Foreign investments
Family businesses
Credit claim
Banking law
Labor Law
International trade
Data protection
Intellectual property
Regulatory compliance
Other practice areas

Contact us

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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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